
CHOICE D – say. Act. react – to support women in the fight against violence

Support and placement in Scarpe&Scarpe stores for 10 women leaving anti-violence centres.

The company also promotes the culture of gender equality among employees with dedicated training held by D.i.King

A concrete project, tangible support with the aim of making women free and independent, autonomous to decide for themselves and to self-determine.

This is Choice D, the social responsibility initiative created by Scarpe&Scarpe and D.i.Re, which provides 10 jobs to 10 women who have found refuge and support at the association's anti-violence centers and who are leaving psychological and physical reconstruction programs due to the violence they have suffered.

Women who need to rebuild their lives and who, in almost all cases, do not have the economic means to start again. Work and economic independence therefore become essential to complete the rebirth process.

As part of the placement, the 10 women will be trained for the role of sales assistant through internship courses in the Scarpe&Scarpe stores closest to their territory.

The company, which has always been attentive to the issue of women, has found a natural community of intent with D.i.Re and also wanted to involve its employees in the project, who followed awareness and training courses to educate on gender equality.

The project is, in fact, divided into different phases: from the engagement of employees to the general public who frequents the group's stores, because everyone can and must contribute to the cultural change necessary to defeat gender inequality.

The awareness meetings held by D.iDedicated to the company population, they provided useful advice for recognizing dangerous behaviour, information on women's rights and contacts for anti-violence centers present throughout Italy.

Real training meetings were instead aimed at Human Resources employees, Store Directors and the entire first line of Scarpe&Scarpe management. They are the figures most in contact with employees and collaborators, who have been provided with information aimed at recognizing gender violence and identifying potentially dangerous situations to direct employees and collaborators who are victims of violence towards anti-violence centres.

To underline the importance of the project, a communication campaign is underway in each of the 135 Scarpe&Scarpe stores with messages inside the point of sale and on the windows, as well as an important fundraiser carried out directly at the cash points and aimed at all clients. 100% of what was raised will be donated to D.i.King.