The international group of the D.<i>i</i>.Re association was born with the aim of interact with the various European and world organizations on the issue of violence against women in a coordinated and continuous way.

Consisting of a dozen members of various anti-violence centers, the Group aims to represent and give visibility abroad to the D.i.RE Association, contributing to the understanding of the specific Italian reality.

The Group also contributes to reflection and development of policies to combat violence in conferences and meetings of various kinds.

D.<i>i</i>.Re activities at European level

  • It is focal point of WAVE, Women Against Violence Europe, an organization that brings together 47 European countries. He has actively participated for 20 years in national conferences, working groups, campaigns and caucus meetings, the country report and the Newsletter
  • Follows the activities ofEWL, European Women's Lobby, to which D.i.Re has been associated since 2009, in particular the work of the European Observatory against violence against women, an internal body of the federation.
  • D.i.Re collaborated in the drafting of the Shadow Report of civil society for the GREVIO, Group of experts on violence against women of the Council of Europe, developed collectively together with many activists and Italian women.

Activities D.i.Re worldwide

International women



[European Commission]

[Council of Europe - European Court of Human Rights]

[United Nations]



[Euromed Rights]

[International Studies]