The Notebooks of D.i.King, n. 5
Re-think. Politics and Services
A transformative practice in comparison with the anti-violence system to guarantee the enforceability and respect of the right to a life free from violence. Reaffirming feminist political practices aimed at systemic and cultural change, in contrast to the system that wants us simply as a "service", neutralized and functional in the response to a violence still seen as an emergency.
edited by Maria Rosa Lotti and Monica Dagnino. With the contributions of activists D.i.Re: Anna Agosta, Cristina Carelli, Titti Carrano, Monica Dagnino, Lucia Ferilli, Maria Rosa Lotti, Maria Grazia Patronaggio, Marcella Pirrone, Sigrid Pisanu
Feminisms and Transfeminism.
Views of a present that questions us between feminisms and transfeminisms and invites us to reposition ourselves in the face of the emergence of new subjectivities, represented by LGBTQIA+ groups, which - although characterized by different languages and political practices - feel united with feminism in the fight against patriarchal oppression.
edited by Carmen Marini and Giuliana Pincelli. With the contributions of activists D.i.Re: Simona Ammerata, Stefania Campisi, Maria Amelia D'Agostino, Carmen Marini, Rita Pellegrini, Giuliana Pincelli, Ersilia Raffaelli. With external contributions by: Beatrice Busi, Antonia Caruso, Neviana Calzolari, Carlotta Cossutta, Monica Lanfranco, Angela Toffanin
Browse and download the notebook D.i.Re n.5
Annual report 2023 - Data collection
The annual report has been published in which the results of the survey of data on women received by the anti-violence centers of the D network are presented.i.Re until December 31, 2023. The collection of data referring to the calendar year 2023 saw the participation of 112 out of 117 anti-violence centers managed by 87 associations belonging to D.i.Re. The investigation was carried out by Sigrid Pisanu e Paula Sdao. For 16 years D.i.Re is committed to carrying out monitoring work, with the dual aim of verifying the characteristics of the Centers that are part of it, of the services and resources they offer and of collecting data on the women welcomed and on the violence they have suffered, as well as on the perpetrator of violence.
Reference year 2023.
Download the 2023 Annual Report
Report of the “Italian civil society organizations for CEDAW”
In January 2024 the report was published Italian civil society for CEDAW, developed by 32 women's organizations and 4 independent experts, coordinated by D.i.Re - Women on the Net against violence.
The report indicates various recommendations of the committee towards the Italian State and covers all the issues present in the Convention. Available in Italian and English versions.
Annual report 2022 - Data collection
The annual report has been published in which the results of the survey of data on women received by the anti-violence centers of the D network are presented.i.King until December 31, 2022. 2022 out of 78 Associations adhering to Legislative Decree participated in the collection of data referring to the calendar year 81.i.Re for a total of 105 out of 108 anti-violence centres. The investigation was handled by Sigrid Pisanu e Paula Sdao. The report details the numerical data on access to the services offered by the anti-violence centers, the types of services provided, the financial resources in the area, the forms of violence, hospitality and shelters. New area of investigation for the year in question it concerns the women refugees/asylum seekers who have suffered violence.
Reference year 2022.
Download the 2022 Annual Report
Institutional victimization. An exploratory qualitative investigation
This qualitative survey is part of the project of the association D.i.king who established theObservatory
national level on secondary victimisation and it is aimed, in this first work, at reconstructing the phenomenon
through the gaze and starting from the eexperiences of the operators of the anti-violence centresprivileged witnesses
of the story women tell about the obstacles they encounter on their way out of violence.
Download the Secondary Victimization survey
The Seminars of D.i.Re - Acts
curated by: Carmen Marini and Giuliana Pincelli
The volume collects the proceedings of two seminars carried out - partly in person and partly online - at the turn of the dramatic health emergency for Covid-19
Women's policy and public role of the Network's anti-violence centers D.i.Re was the topic of the discussion for the Seminar which was held in Rome on 22 February 2020 and which involved about 90 women belonging to 42 member organizations of the Network.
Power, political practice and organizational forms was held online on October 3, 2020 with the participation of 119 women and 40 member organizations of the Network. Theme of the Seminar: how we face today the issues of power in relation to the change in the organizational structure of the Association D.i.Re
Proceedings version browsable online
Proceedings version downloadable
Annual report 2021 - Data collection
The annual report has been published in which the results of the survey of data on women received by the anti-violence centers of the D network are presented.i.Re until 31 December 2021. They participated in the survey 81 out of 82 associations adhering to D.iKing in 2021 for a total of 106 out of 108 anti-violence centers. The investigation was handled by Sigrid Pisanu e Paula Sdao. The report details the numerical data on access to the services offered by the anti-violence centers, the types of services provided, the financial resources in the area, the forms of violence, hospitality and shelters.
Reference year 2021.
Download the 2021 Annual Report
Social Report 2020
A story based on projects and numbers that highlights how the Association's actions concretely contribute to the fight against male violence against women. The opportunity to realize how many projects we are developing and how much there is still to be done to try to eliminate such a pervasive and deep-rooted phenomenon, such as male violence against women.
Reference year 2020.
Download the 2020 Social Report
Violence and women with disabilities
The Report is an exploratory survey that represents a first framework of reference on violence against women with disabilities, both motor and sensory, welcomed in the network centers. They participated in the survey 31 out of 109 anti-violence centers of the D.i.King. The investigation was handled by Sigrid Pisanu e Paula Sdao, in collaboration with Intesa Sanpaolo.
Reference year 2021.
Download the Disability Report
Annual report 2020 - Data collection
The annual report has been published in which the results of the data collection on women accepted by the anti-violence centers of the network are presented. D.i.Re until 31 December 2020. They participated in the survey 81 out of 82 associations adhering to D.iKing in 2020 for a total of 106 out of 109 anti-violence centers. The investigation was handled by Sigrid Pisanu e Paula Sdao. The report details the numerical data on access to the services offered by the anti-violence centers, the types of services provided, the financial resources in the area, the forms of violence, hospitality and shelters.
Download the 2020 Report - Data collection
WAVE Handbook 2020. Gender neutral policies and practices: strategies to address this threat to specialized support services for women
The new WAVE manual, translated into Italian in recent weeks, was born at the request of the Advisory Committee in 2016 in order to address the issue of the protection of specialized services for women (WSS) from policies and practices gender neutral. Since then, the Working Group on gender neutrality, made up of expert members of WAVE from over 10 countries, including a member of the international group D.i.King. The Manual, drawn up by the Working Group, collects information and actions to be taken to address gender neutral policies and practices. Its purpose is to inform WSS workers and volunteers about the dangers of gender neutrality policy and practice, as well as to help them counter it by providing examples of good practice.
Annual report 2019 - Data collection
The annual report has been published in which the results of the data collection on women accepted by the anti-violence centers of the network are presented. D.i.Re until 31 December 2019. 2019 out of 79 associations participated in the collection of data referring to the calendar year 80, for a total of 93 out of 103 anti-violence centers. The report details the numerical data on access to the services offered by the anti-violence centers, the types of services provided, the financial resources in the area, the forms of violence, hospitality and shelters. The survey was handled by Sigrid Pisanu and Paola Sdao in collaboration with Intesa Sanpaolo.
Download the 2019 annual report
WAVE - Handbook
"The Strength-Based, Needs-Led Approach, its origins, development and application"
CEDAW - Shadow Report (2017)
The "CEDAW - Works in progress" platform presented a first shadow report to the UN in July 2011. In 2016 the Platform met again in a renewed and enlarged way to draft a new one on the implementation of the CEDAW from 2012 to the first semester 2017. This document is the result of an exercise of collective intelligence and comparison between many women and organizations involved in civil society and highlighted what does not emerge from the new report of the Italian government. Furthermore, Recommendations have been drawn up aimed at guiding institutions so that they can bridge the gap that separates us from a substantial advancement of rights and implementation of equal opportunity policies in Italy.
CEDAW - Shadow Report (2011)
The "CEDAW - Work in progress" platform presented a first shadow report to the UN in July 2011. The Shadow Report is the result of a wide consultation with the main activists, academics and professionals belonging to civil society, women's associations and feminist, to the feminist and lesbian movement, and to gender discrimination experts. It also collects the suggestions and experience of representative non-governmental organizations that work for the defense and promotion of women's rights in Italy.
I'm in it. A follow-up study of women who went to four anti-violence centers
The research, carried out for D.i.Re by Federica Bastiani with the scientific supervision of Patrizia Romito, professor at the University of Trieste - Laboratory of Social and Community Psychology, thanks to the support of the Kering Foundation, was created with the aim of understanding which factors act as an obstacle or help in way out of a violent situation. The study was carried out at 4 anti-violence centers of the network D.i.Re: "Belluno Donna", "Donne e Giustizia" (Ancona), "Ananke" (Pescara), "Io Donna" (Brindisi) and consists of a follow-up of the women who contacted these centers, through a first questionnaire completed at the center and telephone interviews conducted 18 months later. It is one of the very rare studies in Italy and in Europe on the path of exit from partner violence of women who have turned to an anti-violence center.
Download the research "Io C'entro"
Lulu's dive. Witnessed violence and how to get out of it
When a woman with children is the victim of violence at home, often boys and girls find themselves witnessing the violence against their will. In the anti-violence centers of the network D.i.Re and in its shelters work workers and experts who help boys and girls to process this experience and regain serenity, in parallel with the path of escape from violence and recovery of their autonomy built with their mothers. This small book, created thanks to the contribution of Avène and conceived by Fabiana Iacolucci and Valentina Calvani of Iaca Studio, is conceived as a tool for raising awareness on assisted violence, an activity that involves anti-violence centers. D.i.Re since their origins. One was also taken from the volume animation.
Download the Pdf of "Lulu's dive"
SHERO. Wave Cartoon Brochure. Comics that inspire to raise awareness of domestic violence.
Fruit of the European competition launched by the Step Up! Campaign by Wave, Women Against Violence Europe, and promoted in Italy by D.i.Re, also welcomes the tables of the three Italian winners - Beatrice Candreva, Federica Manfredi and Francesca Rosa - who have drawn a heroine who, with her magical powers but also with very human and everyday qualities, are fighting to achieve the Istanbul Convention.
The following countries participated in the competition: Finland, Italy, Macedonia, Serbia and Spain.
Download Shero. Wave Cartoon Brochure in Pdf format
Samira. For a competent and timely reception of foreign women and girls in situations of violence and trafficking arriving in Italy / by Laura Pasquero and Raffaella Palladino, Cuamm University Press, 2017
The result of a research carried out between January and July 2017 as part of the Samira project, this report aims to deepen the needs and risk factors of foreign women and minors who in June spent in Italy with dramatic experiences behind them, sometimes in real and own route.
The research explores the current reception system, highlights its criticalities and proposes some actions that institutions, non-governmental organizations and local services can adopt to better protect women and minors from violence and stimulate the exchange of good practices.
The Anti-violence Centers: from male violence against women to the construction of women's freedoms by Liz Kelly
For a definition of the Anti-violence Centers, by Liz Kelly Professor and British Director of the Unit for Studies on Child and Women's Abuse, Metropolitan University of London, former head of the National Women's Commission and co-chair, together with Marai Larasi, by End Violence Against the coalition of women
The research explores the current reception system, highlights its criticalities and proposes some actions that institutions, non-governmental organizations and local services can adopt to better protect women and minors from violence and stimulate the exchange of good practices.
Download Definition of Anti-violence Centers
The Notebooks of D.i.Re, no. 4
Rewrite. Principles, practices and founding traits of the anti-violence centers ten years after the drafting of the National Charter
The fourth Notebook of the School of Politics by D.i.Re focuses on the reinterpretation of the Charter of the national network of anti-violence centers and women's homes. A necessary revision, to outline a final document that can revise the founding principles of the Charter while remaining anchored to that solid conceptual structure that has its roots in the feminism of the seventies. Strengthened by the objective of creating "identity in movement", the Centers are asking themselves how to continue to carry out their action in the complex framework of the women's movement and of the many souls of feminism.
The fourth notebook, edited by Chiara Veltri, contains contributions by Titti Carrano, Giovanna Zitiello, Marisa Guarneri, Anna Loretoni, Gaetana Morgante, Nicki Norman, Lella Paladino.
Buy the notebook of D.i.Re No. 4
The Notebooks of D.i.Re, no. 3
Return. Between memory and transformation, new strategies to relaunch anti-violence centers / by Chiara Veltri, Settenove, 2017
In a political context that is limited to declarations of indignation in the face of violence against women, we want to return to some nodes connoting the specific identity of the anti-violence centers, capable of marking the difference from the other associations that intervene on the theme of male violence against women and to assert their political subjectivity.
The third notebook collects the contributions of the School of Politics which took place in L'Aquila in 2016.
Buy the notebook of D.i.Re No. 3
The Notebooks of D.i.Re, no. 2
To recognize. Male violence against women yesterday and today: feminist analyzes compared / edited by Giuliana Pincelli, Elena Montorsi, Settenove, 2017
The notebook arises from the needs born in anti-violence centers that require a more theoretical approach and a set of gazes capable of analyzing the deep roots of violence against women and its persistence in socio-economic scenarios in rapid and sometimes unpredictable transformation.
The second Notebook of D.i.Re brings together the reflections of scholars, researchers, activists and workers of the anti-violence centers who met in Catania on 26 and 27 September 2015 for the second Seminar of the School of Politics.
Buy the Notebook of D.i.Re n. 2.
The Notebooks of D.i.Re, no. 1
Re-looking: anti-violence centers between politics, skills and intervention practices / by Giuditta Creazzo, Settenove, 2016
The anti-violence centers that arose from the women's political movement were the first appropriate response to the problem of male violence against women. The first notebook collects the contributions of the workers of the anti-violence centers, researchers and activists, Italian and foreign, who met for two days in Reggio Emilia, during the first seminar of the School of politics, and discussed and deepened together the recent challenges and far away that the Centers face today in a profoundly changed climate, marked by a confused and contradictory institutional assumption of "gender violence" and by an unprecedented competition in the definition of the problem and for the allocation of the resources involved.
Buy the Notebook of D.i.Re n. 1.
Exit. Safety escapes from violence
Company handbook to combat male violence against women, published and distributed to its employees by Camst, a leading company in the catering sector, and created by D.i.Re, Women in the network against violence, in collaboration with Cospe. The texts are by the psychotherapist Sonya Cacace, the illustrations by Stefania Spanò, aka Anarkikka. 2016 Edition.
Exit. Safety escapes from violence. 1st edition
Monitoring of the distribution of funds from the Equal Opportunities Department
The Association D.i.Re has decided to monitor the impact of the resources made available by the National Action Plan and disbursed to the Regions by the DPO of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Monitoring on the basis of the allocation of resources relating to the "Fund for policies relating to rights and equal opportunities »2013-2014 referred to in article 5, paragraph 2, of decree-law no. 93 of 2013 (DPCM 24 July 2014).
Money destined to support the paths of exit from violence for women and their children, standardizing the availability of services (in particular anti-violence centers and shelters) present in the national territory and strengthening the network of local services.
2016 breakdown monitoring (pdf)
2015 breakdown monitoring (pdf)
Violence has a thousand faces, even rainbow ones
The book "Violence has a thousand faces, even rainbow" by ArciLesbica Nazionale e D.i.Re, Edizioni Epsil 2016. A collection of interventions that ArciLesbica and DiRe have published to give voice and space to a hitherto little known theme: violence within intimate relationships between same-sex women. The interventions collected were held in two important training moments: in Trento in February 2015, when a first conference on this topic was held, and in Bologna in June of the same year, when a training course for activists was launched. and workers of the Anti-violence Centers.
Intervention guidelines for Special Orphans, Switch Off Project, 2015. Curated by Anna Costanza Baldry and Vincenza Cinquegrana, with the collaboration of Titti Carrano, Rita Zukauskiene and Andreas Kapardis. All Rights reserved. Guidelines of the Daphne Switch Off project on orphans of mothers who are victims of femicide.
Beijing Platform for Action Implementation Report Five-year survey: 2009-2014. What has really been done in Italy. July, 2014.
Various organizations for the promotion of human rights, women's associations, trade union coordinations and individual gender experts have drawn up their own Beijing 2009-2014 report on the basis of their experience
D.i.Re - Anci. Male violence against women. Guidelines for the intervention and construction of a network between the Social Services of the Municipalities and the Anti-violence Centers. Rome, March 2014.
The Guidelines are the first national tool dedicated to municipal workers and social workers. They constitute the first important result of the collaboration between Anci and D.i.Re the May 16, 2013 they signed a Memorandum of Understanding to combat violence against women and support minors who are victims of witnessed violence.
D.i.Re, AVON. RavonA: Postrengthening the centers, strengthening women. Rome, June 2012.
The following collaborated in the drafting of the text: Titti Carrano, Teresa Maisano, Marcella Pirrone, Anna Pramstahler, Imma Tromba, Antonella Veltri. Editing: Lina Losacco. Graphic project: Alessandra Meneghello.
Communication, visibility and awareness project intends to contribute to the knowledge of the problem of gender-based violence and to the fight against male violence against women.
Marcella Pirrone, Advocate Group D.i.Re. Evolution of child custody laws in different countries. July 2012.
D.i.Re participates in a research of "WAVE - Women against violence Europe”With respect to the laws in force in some of the WAVE member countries on child reliance to grasp their evolutions, strengths, good and / or bad practices.
XIII Conference WAVE. 11 - 13 October 2011, Rome:
- Welcome Association "D.i.Re Women on the Net against violence - Onlus "{Italian - english}
- Group shelter houses {Italian - english}
- Group lawyers {Italian - english}
- Group international {Italian }
- Group institution {Italian - english}
- Group research and detection {Italian - english}
- WAVE card e D.i.Re {Italian}
- Speech by Giovanna Fava {Italian - english}
Surgeries at the Conference International instruments for the protection of victims of violence and gender discrimination held in Bologna on January 14, 2010:
- Maria Acierno, What rights for which women? Women and fundamental rights in the jurisprudence of legitimacy
- Prof. Lawyer Marco Balboni, The instruments of international and community protection of women's rights
- Cecilia Cortesi Venturini, CEDAW and the promotion of the fundamental rights of women
- Giovanna Fava, How to use CEDAW and international law to eliminate violence against women
- Lillian Hofmeister, 1. CEDAW and Optional Protocol - two important legal steps to gender democracy / 2. Harmful traditional Practices in Europe and South Africa - Art 5 a CEDAW and Obstacles in Implementing Gender Equality
- Monica Miserocchi The constitution of a civil party of associates, entities and trade unions in trials for crimes involving gender violence
- Rashida Manjoo, 1. Special Procedures and Mandate of the UN Special Rapporteur of the Human Rights Council on violence against women, its causes and consequences / 2. International tools to promote women's rights and to protect victims of violence and discrimination
- Documentary Beyond the silence, by Pina Mandolfo and Maria Grazia Lo Cicero. Video made by the Association D.i.Re – Donne in Rete contro la violenza, with the contribution of Conad.
- March 8, 2017 - Global Women's Strike, NonOnaDiLeno:
- "Take me away" by Luciana Trulio. Finalist video of the national competition Let's see violence. Countryside Step Up!
- Non Una Di Meno - 26 November Rome
- Words to say it. Video made by the Association D.i.Re – Donne in Rete contro la violenza, with the contribution of Conad. Directed by Pina Mandolfo and Maria Grazia Lo Cicero, editing by Marta Ruggiero.
- Speech by Luisanna Porcu from the Nuoro anti-violence center at the One Billion Rising in Oristano
- breaking the silence
- Spot-DIRe: Strengthening the centers, empowering women.
- Conference: From the anti-violence centers, actions and proposals to strengthen the freedom of women
Materials of the Training Courses 2017 for operators and volunteers of the Centers D.i.Re
- Reception workers, a profile under construction. Caserta, March 24-25, 2017
- The importance of data collection for analyzing violence against women. Rome, _21 April 2017
- Consequences and exit strategy_of violence._Rome, _21_ April 2017
- The drafting of a project proposal ._Lucca, _27-28_May 2017
- Community_program_REC. Lucca_27-28_May 2017
- Specifications of the REC community program, Lucca 27-28 May 2017
- Do fundraising. Basic elements for a fundraiser for the development of activities. Milan_1-2 July 2017
- Effects of trauma: tools for intervening with women victims of ill-treatment and violence - 1. Padua, 7-8 July 2017
- Effects of trauma: tools for intervening with women victims of ill-treatment and violence - 2. Padua, 7-8 July 2017
- Effects of trauma: tools to intervene with women victims of ill-treatment and violence - 3. Padua, 7-8 July 2017_july
- Female genital mutilation ._Genoa, 16-17 September 2017
- Forced marriage in Italy. Genoa, 16-17 September 2017
- The Third Sector Code ._Bologna, 23 September 2017
- The Third Sector Code. Tools for associations 1, Bologna, 23 September 2017
- The Third Sector Code. for associations 2._Bologna, 23 September 2017
- The Third Sector Code. The implementing decrees, Bologna, 23 September 2017
- The Third Sector Code. Tables ._Bologna, 23 September 2017
- Working on trauma 1. Palermo, 27-28 October 2017
- Working on trauma 2. Palermo, 27-28 October 2017
- Promising methodologies and practices in shelters, Rome, 2-3 December 2017
- Promising methodologies and practices in shelters. The experience of the EVA Cooperative, Rome_2-3 December 2017
Materials of the Training Courses 2016 for operators and volunteers of the Centers D.i.Re
Violence in intimate relationships between lesbians (9-10 April, Rome)
Final report
Sexual Violence: Understanding and Healing Trauma. Cou
nseling with a feminist approach for women victims of sexual violence (23-24 April, Bologna).
Feminist counseling with survivors of sexual violence, Lepa Mladjenovic. Translation & Revision: Anna Pramstrahler, Barbara Bertozzi, Daria Angeletti, Laura Saracino, 2016. (pdf)
Violence against women - Criminal Code, 1996
Solidarity policies among women. Lepa Mladjenovic. Translation by Alice degl'Innocenti.
Definitions of violence against women: International definitions, Definition of Liz Kelly.
Working with migrant women. Anti-violence Centers in the challenge of the changes underway (6 - 7 May, Naples)
Introduction by Lella Palladino, sociologist, expert in gender issues. Member of the National Council of Di.Re Women in the network against violence.
Speech by Maria Grazia Ruggerini, head of the IMED-Institute for the Mediterranean projects on the citizenship rights of women in the Maghreb (from 1994 to 2012), expert on gender issues and work with migrant women, president of the LeNove Association for social studies and research. -
Networking as an operational and strategic tool for anti-violence centers (13 -14 May, Palermo)
Final report
Digital communication oriented to anti-violence centers (21-22 May, Bologna).
Final report
Social planning: How to orient in times of crisis. A laboratory for the workers of the anti-violence centers (26-27 May, Venice)
Anti-violence center laboratory network D.i.King. Grace Gecci, first ROUND, second day.
Final report
"Tools to support the work placement of women emerging from situations of violence". Training course for workers and volunteers of the anti-violence centers
- "Female self-enterprise". Speech by Maria Teresa Giacomazzi and Gemma Albanese, MAY Verona. October 2016.
- "Work and migrant women". Speech by Debora Bottani, The circle of relationships. October 2016.
- "How to set up a social working cooperative: legal regulations and specific employment, administrative and tax laws". Speech by Maria Teresa Giacomazzi, MAY Verona. December 2016
- "The knot of reconciliation, between work and personal life". Speech by Stefania Pizzonia, LeNove Association. December 2016.
- "Orientation to work". Speech by Francesca Fadda, ananke. January, 2017.
- "Work placement internships". Speech by Giovanna De Simone, Women's and Justice Center. January 2017.