Violence against women. What state are we in? - The new campaign D.i.Re

The new campaign of D.i.Re Violence against women. In what State are?. The campaign's goal is make known e implement the recommendations given to the Italian State by the Council of Europe's Group of Experts on Violence Against Women (GREVIO).

Dopo un monitoring lasted almost two years, the experts sent to Italy precise indications on what to do for apply the Istanbul Convention e making the response to male violence against women effective. Italy does not come out well from the monitoring.

Il GREVIO report on Italy stresses the obstacles to cultural, political and material exit paths from violence, also due to inadequate and insufficient policies.

In Italy, one in 3 women has suffered at least one episode of violence in the course of their life. Yet women who denounce violence they do not get effective protection measures, they are not believed in courtrooms e risk losing their children in causes of separation. Not only. The number of femicides remains constant .

Why do women in situations of violence face everywhere - services, police, courts, territorial commissions - prejudices and do not find listening and credibility? Because the reading of a violent situation is imbued with stereotypes regarding the male / female role? Because to get out of violence women meet so many practical and economic obstacles? Because the anti-violence centers continue to have enormous difficulties in obtaining funding which are also foreseen?

Despite recognizing some steps taken by Italy in terms of combating violence, the GREVIO experts denounce the persistence of strong discrimination against women - in employment, wages, access to careers and institutional roles - and one representation of women centered on their body, often exploited for mere commercial purposes, and /or on a traditional maternal role.

All of this fuels male violence against women.

With the campaign Violence against women. In what State are? D.i.Re, Women in the network against violence - an association that brings together 81 women's organizations that manage anti-violence centers in 18 regions - wants to mobilize the attention of public opinion, the media and institutions on precise recommendations that the Council of Europe made to Italy to ensure adequate prevention, protection and contrast of male violence against women.

Waiting for the GREVIO Report on Italy to be translated by the Government into Italian and brought to the attention of all, D.i.Re calls for mobilization for fully implement the Istanbul Convention on Violence Against Women and Domestic Violence which was ratified by Italy with law 77/2013 and has been in force since 2014.

Every month for a year the campaign Violence against women. In what State are? will draw attention to some of the main recommendations regarding 12 thematic areas and will call for the full implementation of the Istanbul Convention.

D.i.Re will present i campaign results Violence against women. In what State are? on March 8, 2021. Because women want a concrete commitment.

The campaign is realized thanks to the kind contribution of the Kering Foundation



Press office D.i.Re: Cristiana Scoppa, 339.1488018,

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