Anti-violence centers alongside women: 194 must be applied

Anti-violence centers D.i.Re - Women on the Net against violence they will promote resistance and monitoring actions in the territories and at national level. The anti-violence centers are aware of institutional violence and will provide support to women, evaluating - if the conditions exist and together with the women themselves - legal initiatives, monitoring the correct application of law 194.

The Meloni Government's decision to open the clinics to pro-life associations is of great concern, also due to the high risk of institutional victimization to which women could be exposed.

We find ourselves faced with a political choice which aims to hinder the self-determination of women by instrumentally using part of the law on the voluntary termination of pregnancy which, in article 2 provides that “The consultants, on the basis of specific regulations or agreements, can avail themselves, for the purposes established by law, of the voluntary collaboration of suitable basic social formations and voluntary associations, which can also help difficult motherhood after birth”. In 1979 the legislator had provided for support for women who had already chosen motherhood with the involvement of associations that intervened after the birth of the child, and not when the woman is making her decision.

We know the ideological crusade that - for years - these associations have been carrying out against law 194, sparing no offense to women who have abortions, going as far as incitement to hatred. How can 194 associations that have been fighting for years to abolish it and that consider the voluntary termination of pregnancy a crime work for full application of the law? What situations of psychological pressure might women who want to be able to choose freely be exposed to?

Counseling centers must return to being places of freedom and self-determination for women, with adequate funding, as required by law. Equally important is the financing of emergency contraception and its effective usability by women.

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