Senator Mieli should read better

"My statement yesterday, regarding the words of Minister Roccella, goes in the direction of solidarity and freedom from violence and wars. Of Arab, Muslim, Jewish, Ukrainian women of every skin color and with every creed. Being supportive means welcoming and supporting. I return Senator Mieli's observations to the sender, with the request to respond politically and with concrete actions to combat violence against women" – declares Antonella Veltri, president D.i.Re - Women on the Net against violence. “What happened to the plan and what are they doing to prevent and combat violence against women?”

"We know" - continues Veltri – “that women all pay too high a price for mistakes that the powerful men of the earth make and continue to persevere: wicked choices that involve the whole of humanity. Let them reflect on this, rather than continuing to stigmatize the squares and those who, fortunately, populate them."

“We are in a situation of progressive impoverishment and precariousness of work, especially for women. Women's reproductive health is increasingly under attack, with bills filed by parliamentarians of government parties that go in the direction of tormenting women who choose VG, such as the proposal to listen to the heartbeat of the fetus or that of the recognition of its legal personality. Tell us Giorgia Meloni what you want to do for these issues: women's reproductive health, precarious employment, wage gap, poverty. All issues closely linked to the theme of violence" - concludes the president.

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