The Italian state accumulates convictions, women are left alone.


One more judgment of the Edu Court which condemns Italy for the "Inhuman and degrading treatment" of a woman: the authorities did not act to protect her from the abusive ex-husband.

Again, magistrates prove inadequate in dealing with situations of domestic violence.

Again, a woman and her children have been endangered by the institutions, which should guarantee their safety.

Again, violence has been classified as conflict.

Again, women are not believed.

After the sentence of 7th April Landi against Italy it is the case Talpis against Italy, again it The Italian state is condemned for the inaction of the magistrates who - despite the reports of the Carabinieri, the hospital and the social services - have not taken any measures against the ex-husband, thus creating a situation of impunity.

Between 2015 and 2019 she denounced her husband 7 times, from whom she was separated since 2013, for having threatened her with death, hit her with a helmet, put cameras in her house, persecuted, followed and harassed, for not having paid alimony and mistreating the three children. Despite all this, the magistrates did not feel they had to intervene. Despite all this, the woman and her children were left alone. 

"In partially dismissing the woman's complaint, in 2017 the GIP of Padua observed that the applicant's statements were not sufficiently credible in light of the acute conflict between the parties."

"In February 2018, after the social services had denounced the ill-treatment suffered by minors (which the applicant had reported several times), no investigations were initiated and the minors were not heard" 

It is an exemplary sentence which, unfortunately, confirms our position. It is no longer possible to have women judge situations of male violence to those who do not even recognize it. The testimony of women is not enough, even when confirmed by the police, the health service or the social services. Sentences accumulate and women continue to be left at the mercy of the abusers by a state that - despite having a good legislative system - still does not act to ensure that the laws are implemented by the judicial system"Declares Antonella Veltri, President D.i.Re - Women on the Net against violence. "Also in this case there was a lack of correct risk assessment, as declared by the Court itself, and the correct reading of violence which was instead interpreted as a high level of conflict. We have been repeating for too long that the way forward is the training of magistrates. We can not wait anymore".

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