Varese. Cynical and cruel to put the blame on the mother. The judiciary uses this opportunity to correct the flaws in the procedures

"A cynical and ruthless sentence, an ignoble attempt at blameworthy the one put in place by the Gip of the Court of Varese, to blame Silvia Gaggini, mother of little Daniele, killed by his father Davide Paitoni, the responsibility for his death, secondary victimization all the more violent, because it acts on a woman who was stabbed by her ex-husband and has just lost her son in this way ".

Thus Antonella Veltri, president of D.i.Re comments what the magistrate writes, when he emphasizes that "It is the mother who carries the child to the father", a fact considered "completely incompatible with any alarm that a previous attitude of the father could have aroused in the woman", and therefore evidently sufficient to believe that a 7-year-old child can safely be entrusted to a man who has just stabbed one of his children in the back colleague and is under house arrest for attempted murder, and that the "other proceedings for crimes also characterized by violence such as mistreatment and injury", reported by the woman and the child's maternal grandfather, are "pending charges that could be resolved favorably for the suspect ".

“The prejudice against women, evidently considered not credible, the usual woman who exaggerates the accusations against the ex-partner in the separation phase for some obscure reason or interest, with the presumption of believing, even before a trial, that these accusations will be dismantled during the trial phase " , says Veltri.

"But it is up to the judiciary to make a risk assessment, which in the presence of minors must be as rigorous as possible ”, reiterates the president of D.i.Re.

“It was also wrong, on the part of the lawyers, to put in place a negotiation, which ends up being a form of mediation, prohibited by the Istanbul Convention in the presence of violence and mistreatment. Addressed to this behavior precisely by the culture that always invites you to find a meeting point, impossible with a violent man ", reiterates Veltri," in the name of a two-parenting has become a dogma since law 54/2006 came into force, which masks the reaffirmation of a patriarchal concept of the family ".

"If the experts of anti-violence centers were involved in the training of magistrates, they would know that the greatest fear of women who turn to anti-violence centers is that their children are taken away, something that happens continuously in civil courts and for minors throughout Italy, as clearly emerged from the survey conducted by D.i.Re last year”Explains Veltri.

"This is why all too often they endure violence for years and years and allow abusers to meet with their children: because around the corner they always see the accusation of being alienating mothers if they do not allow fathers to continue to see their children anyway ”, continues Veltri.

“For this, as a network D.i.Re, we asked and we go back to ask a meeting with the Minister of Justice Marta Cartabia: it makes no sense to continue to propose new legislative measures, we need a comparison on what is possible already today, with a more active and timely involvement of anti-violence centers ", concludes the president of D.i.Re. "The judiciary uses this opportunity to correct the flaws in the procedures".

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