A new renaissance that again has very little

“It is difficult to hide the disappointment for the document of the task force of Women for a new Renaissance convened by the Minister for Equal Opportunities ”, he says Antonella Veltri, President of D.i.Re – Donne in rete contro la violenza.

“Continue the lack of a transversal and indispensable gender vision in a policy that should have marked a turning point, a radical change and which instead re-proposes stereotypes and clichés. Other than the Renaissance ".

"It is serious not to have included male violence against women in the analysis, because it is precisely in stereotypes and in the persistent gender disparity that violence has its roots, to the point that it can be considered almost a social thermometer of the female condition ”, says Veltri.

“The document then revolves around a single model of woman, the mother of a family, disregarding the diversity and freedom of choice that should be the basis of the life of all women, adds Veltri. "AND the thousands of foreign women living in our country remain out of this Renaissance".

“The assessment of the gender impact of legislation is a more than necessary measure, but it is naive to think that such a task could be entrusted to yet another Observatory”, underlines Veltri.

"And if the statistics cited clearly delineate a large presence of women in the care sectors, starting with health care, it is not said that these continue to be sectors with very low wages, disproportionate to the amount of work and skills required. Perhaps precisely because so many women work there? ”Asks Veltri.

"The pandemic has brought at least two facts under the eyes of all: i enormous damage of a policy that has sacrificed public health and the indispensability of care work in support of everyone's life", he claims Giuliana Pincelli, expert of the Women's House against Violence in Modena. "And it is on women in the first place that this work weighs: both carried out in the home as unpaid work and 'naturally' due, and in the services where we still find women, underpaid, often in black, often migrants who are denied the possibility of regularize. And this is evident from nurseries to hospitals, to retirement homes, from cleaning to supermarket checkouts ".

Faced with this reality, "the measures proposed by the ministerial task force, whether they are baby sitter bonuses or home / office rebalancing, etc., reveal themselves for what they really are: pretending that nothing has happened", explains Pincelli, "for reiterate, barring insignificant adjustments, the basic economic and social choices that led us to the current disaster".

“Measures of a very different scope are needed today: from the request for income, for some of self-determination, for others of care, which for many women would mean the possibility of choosing, in the first place to get out of violence, to one reduction of working hours for all”, Says Pincelli. "This and not smart working to change the current division of care work!".

“It makes no sense to talk about women's renaissance when they continue to refer to them using an outdated masculine language, although the document calls for a change in the language, ”he points out Cinzia Marroccoli, councilor of D.i.Re for Basilicata.

"Continuing to decline male professions means being far from that gender point of view that we continue to ask for women in institutions, it means that if on the one hand we are talking about the renaissance of women, on the other we are still in a patriarchal culture for which the masculine continues to be the norm. We are not interested in this “renaissance” like all facade operations ”, concludes Marroccoli.

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