Step Up! Contest "Create your S-Hero": the winners

They are Beatrice Candreva, Federica Manfredi and Francesca Rosa the three winners of the competition reserved for cartoonists and graphic designers over 18 aimed at creating a heroin - ShI was - that it embodies the values ​​and actions of the Istanbul Convention on the prevention of violence against women, telling a story that can inspire others to work to transform society and counter this persistent phenomenon.

The competition is part of the European campaign Step up!, coordinated by Wave Network - Women against violence Europe, the European network of anti-violence centers, and created in Italy by D.i.Re, Women Networking Against Violence, which brings together 80 women's organizations running anti-violence centers and shelters in 18 regions.

They classified:

1. to Beatrice Candreva with "Rise of Forgotten Sheroes"

A tribute to women victims of trafficking, the protagonist is a woman who travels from Nigeria to Europe and is the victim of violence both along the way. Her Shero is a heroine like all women who go forward, seek their way, ask for help when they need it. A strength for all women who have forgotten that they are heroines.






2.a Federica Manfredi with "Kintsugi-Heart"
Her Shero is a woman who has been injured since childhood, by anaffective parents who have not been able to pass on to her what a healthy love relationship is, she has suffered psychological and sometimes physical violence. Every experience of her has left a mark, which is imprinted on her skin with the golden marks of the ancient Japanese art used to repair porcelain, making her stronger, more resistant and determined. She has struggled so much in life to discover herself, to learn to love herself, to recognize the people to love and who could really love her. She is now ready to intervene alongside other women to save them from violence.




3.a Francesca Rosa with "Let's go see the sea"
Her Shero does not have super powers but she is a woman who had the courage and strength to change for herself and for her daughter and this makes her extraordinary. The real super power of women could be defined as resilience, the strength to come out of impotence, to return to believe in themselves, to seek a different world for themselves and their children.

The creations of the three finalists will be included in a European publication, together with works from all other countries participating in the Step Up! campaign, curated by Wave, Women against violence Europe, and distributed in Italy by D.i.Re, Women on the net against violence. All three artists will receive the gadgets designed for the campaign along with copies of the publication. The first and second classified will also go two cash prizes - worth 300 and 200 euros respectively, offered by D.i.Re.

Thanks to all the women and girls who wanted to try their hand at creating their S-Hero!

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