The non-recognition of violence continues to claim victims. Yet another feminicide free to act her violence

We find ourselves commenting, for the umpteenth time, on the chronicle of an announced death, or rather of two announced deaths. In Vicenza, Zlatan Vasiljevic murdered his ex-partner, Lidia Miljkovic with whom he had two children, and Gabriella Serrano with whom he had an affair. 

This story is an example of what the Net D.i.Re complaints for years and which was amply illustrated in the report The (non) recognition of domestic violence in civil and juvenile courts. .  Institutional victimization is added to male violence. Women are not adequately secured and are deemed bad mothers if they are afraid of exes and seek sole custody. A dysfunction of the justice system also clearly emerged in the reports of the Femicide Commission - chaired by Valeria Valente, and by GREVIO - the body that monitors the correct application of the Istanbul Convention

This man was a mine ready to explode and yet despite having committed violent acts, had been hit by various precautionary measures, he was rehabilitated as a parent by the Court of Vicenza, which had revoked the exclusive custody of the two children, to Lidia Miljkovic and ordered shared custody. Zlatan Vasiljevic by virtue of a short visit to an abusive listening center could have attended her children, while Lidia Miljkovic would have had to mediate and discuss every decision regarding her children with the man who had almost killed her. 

Today, the paths of the abusers are presented as the panacea for all ills, despite the fact that 20% of men abandon the path and 16% return to cases of relapse (Veneto Region: Second survey of centers for the treatment of male perpetrators of violence), are becoming a sort of shortcut for the rehabilitation of the violent. A short journey is not enough for a profound change and to stem violence. 

"We learn from the press that the Vicenza institutions had also questioned the maternal role of Lidja Miljkovic and that the only concern of the social service was the rapprochement of Zlatan Vasiljevic with his children. The father is always the father, regardless of the violence committed and without any risk assessment, even letting the victims of violence remain hostage to a continuous threat. All this in the name of what we do not hesitate to call an attempt at patriarchal restoration and a betrayal of women's rights."Declares Antonella Veltri, the President of D.i.Re - Women on the Net against violence.

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