Sassari adheres to the Anci-D.i.Re against violence against women (21/06/2014)

The Sassari City Council approved the accession to the memorandum of understanding - stipulated in Rome on 16 May last - between theNational Association of Italian Municipalities (ANCI) and the association Women on the Net against violence (d.i.King).

The protocol was presented by the councilor Gianpaolo Mameli (PD) and was born within a platform of initiatives of Rights to the Heart 2013, on the proposal of the noiDonne2005 association and the Sardinian Homosexual Movement.

It is emphasized that «Anci e D.i.Re agree on the need to collaborate in order to promote and develop actions, projects or initiatives aimed at preventing and combating male violence against women, with particular regard to the issues of awareness raising and information on gender violence, in compliance with the law national and international, the directives and recommendations of international organizations, such as the United Nations and the WHO ".

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