Courses 2017

Training Courses 2017

In 2017, the "Support for Anti-violence Centers" project, carried out by D.i.Re thanks to the contribution of Conad.

- Training sessions they responded to the needs and requirements expressed by the anti-violence centers through a survey which highlighted the areas of interest. The survey was answered by 64 associations. The greatest interest was expressed in the 'Effects of trauma' theme, the choice was therefore to duplicate the meeting in two cities to allow the participation of the greatest number of operators.

The meetings provided operational and practical tools to improve the skills of operators and volunteers, but above all they were places of exchange and discussion on the practices of the anti-violence centers.

To encourage participation in the meetings, each year the courses are organized in different cities of the national territory and participation is free.

Download the 2017 Calendar of Meetings

To register:

The meetings can be attended by activists, workers, volunteers and members of associations belonging to D.i.Re. and the associations that collaborate on a permanent basis with D.i.Re, compatibly with the number of places available. Communications will be sent directly to these with the registration procedures.

Here you can download the programs of each meeting.

List of meetings 2017

Laboratory - Reception worker, a profile under construction. 25 - 26 March, CASERTA
Seminar - The importance of data collection for analyzing violence against women. April 21, ROME
Workshop - Sexual Violence: Understanding and Healing Trauma. 12 - 13 May, BOLOGNA
Workshop - Design techniques: analysis of calls and notices for the presentation of a project. 27 - 28 May, LUCCA
Laboratory - Strategies and practices for prevention. 9 - 10 June, PESCARA
Workshop - Fundraising, basic elements for a fundraising for the development of activities. 1-2 July, MILAN
Workshop - Effects of trauma: tools to intervene with women victims of abuse and violence. 7 - 08 July, PADUA
Workshop - Migrant women: cultures of belonging and harmful traditional practices. 16 - 17 September, GENOA
Workshop - Digital security as a protection tool for women and workers. New forms of online violence. Techniques of prevention and protection of women. 6-7 October, BOLOGNA
Laboratory - Working in a network with a view to participatory planning. 13 - 14 October, PRATO
Workshop - Effects of trauma: tools to intervene with women victims of abuse and violence. 27 - October 28, PALERMO
Workshop - Promising Methodologies and Practices in Shelter Homes. 2-3 December, ROME


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