D.i.Re – Donne in Rete contro la violenza has launched A refuge for Freedom, a crowdfunding campaign on Eppela, to support Afghan refugee women in Italy, accompanying them on their welcome and integration path, through a special fund.

Yes they can support network organizations D.i.Re that host them with a donation su Eppela MSD Crowdcaring.

The humanitarian crisis that lies ahead in Afghanistan has a particular emergency to deal with: Afghan women have experienced and will continue to experience more and more violence due to the restored Taliban regime.
In Italy, we have not yet been aware of the funds that will be made available for the reception of these women, who have often already experienced experiences of male violence based on gender.
To enable member organizations to respond to incoming requests for support and hospitalitỳ, a Specific fund which aims to support Afghan refugee women in Italy, through economic support to the organizations of the Network D.i.Re who host them, accompanying them on their welcome and integration path.

Who can access the Fund
All organizations belonging to the Network D.i.Re will be able to access the Fund. Each can report only one individual project, so as to guarantee a territorial distribution of the contribution. Each request will be evaluated and the sum will be disbursed until the resources are exhausted.
What expenses does the Fund cover
The Fund will support the maintenance costs of the Afghan women hosted (food, lodging, utilities), telephone utilities (new SIM cards for the female guests), medical expenses, Italian language courses, interventions by cultural mediators.