They participated in the survey 81 out of 82 associations adhering to D.iKing in 2020 for a total of 106 out of 109 anti-violence centers.

The investigation was handled by Sigrid Pisanu e Paula Sdao.

The anti-violence centers

More than half of the centers (60% of cases) can count on at least one hospitality facility (refuge houses, semi-autonomous houses).

Almost all centers (about 90%) in addition to doing welcome and offer the possibility of legal advice guaranteed in 100% of cases, they offer psychological counseling and career guidance paths. In any case, well over half of them support women with parental counseling (67%) and with self-help groups (56%). In addition 55% of the centers offer counseling for immigrant women.

Almost all of the centers (96%) adhere to one territorial network mainly at the provincial level (38% of cases).

Most of the centers in the network (72%) have the opportunity to benefit from funding public from regional sources, more than half of them (60%) of financing disbursed by the Municipalities and about 36% can count on financing from the DPO. The amounts vary from around 47.000 euros for funding from municipalities and regions, to around 17.000 euros for those from the DPO.

I private financing they constitute a source for almost 75% of the total centers and vary from almost 14.300 euros to approximately 1.500 euros per year.

Women supported by anti-violence centers D.i.Re

In the reporting year they are a total of 20.015 women were welcomed with a slight decrease, compared to 2019, when there were a total of 20.432, of 417 contacts, equal to 2%. Of these 13.390 women were welcomed for the first time, while in 2019 14.431 women were welcomed for the first time.

These deviations, which have never occurred before, must be read in the context of the Covid19 pandemic and consequent lockdown which characterized the reference year of the survey.

Le characteristics of women have been consolidated over the years: in the vast majority of cases they are women (only 26% foreigners), more than half (54,7%) have aage between the ages of 30 and 49, one in three women is a zero income (32,9%) and less than 40% can count on a secure income.

To report that only 27% of the women accepted decide to start a judicial process.

The perpetrators of the violence

The perpetrator of the violence exercised on women who go to the centers D.i.Re è mostly Italian: only 23,6% are of foreign origin. This data has been consolidated over the years (with insignificant variations) and challenges the widespread stereotype that sees the phenomenon of male violence against women reduced to the legacy of cultural universes located in the "elsewhere" of non-European countries.

Its age is predominantly (over 44,4%) in the 30 to 59 age range and in 47,6% of cases has a stable job

The forms of violence

The forms of violence exercised on women who turn to the centers are of various kinds. The most frequent is that psychological, violence suffered by the vast majority of women (77,3%), followed by that physics (About 60% of cases). The violence Economic Sustainability it is exercised on a fairly high number of women (33,4%) while violence sexual and stalking concern lower percentages (15,3% and 14,9%, respectively).

The statistics relating to the indicator on the relationship of the perpetrator with the woman leave no doubt: the perpetrator is almost always the Partner (60,2% of cases) or theformer partner (22,1%). This means that in 72,3% of cases the violence is carried out by a man in relation to the woman. If you add the percentage of cases where the author is a familiar almost all of them are reached (82,3%). Very rarely is he an acquaintance or colleague or friend and almost never a stranger.

It is therefore a question of violence mainly carried out by people in strong relationship with women, therefore aimed at exercising and maintaining a relationship based on control and oppression of the partner.

Comparing with the data of previous years, the percentages are almost equal.

The complete Data Survey Report D.i.Re 2020 can be downloaded here