Freedom income: everything to do again
After almost a year of waiting and constant reminders, the decree that distributes the 30 million allocation for the freedom income over three years has arrived.
"Even though it may seem like good news” declares Antonella Veltri – president D.i.Re - Women on the Net against violence. "we believe it is important to underline that these funds have been awaited for almost a year by the women who requested them”. “In many cases, this delay has jeopardized the paths of freedom of women, who have had to review their life plans. What does not seem clear to the Government is that women's lives cannot wait” continues Veltri.
“In addition to the long unjustified wait, this provision presents a further critical issue: women who had already submitted an application must repeat the procedure, with obvious and imaginable difficulties and burdens. This is not the support for the paths of freedom that we hope for women welcomed by anti-violence centers,” concludes the president.