Free to be - Festival

In streaming from the stage ofAuditorium Music Park of Rome, The first edition of Festival Free to be wants to put ideas, paths and perspectives into motion and into circulation to look at the present with new eyes at the center the freedom and power of women.

Organized by D.i.Re with the artistic advice of Serena Dandini, from 7 to 9 May the Free to Be Festival will see activists, artists, writers, professionals, researchers, economists, journalists, actresses, musicians confront each other on the stage. Women who on the public stage or in the invisibility of everyday life are already defining new spaces and relationships to trigger a cultural change.

A journey that opened on April 16th, with the cycle of meetings Free to read: a journey through books, curated by Maria Teresa Carbone and Chiara Veltri.

The Festival is divided into conversations and performances on some essential junctions of our time: the body - women's body - in its transition from object of desire to subject that desires; the do - in the world of work, health, creativity; the imaginary, to redefine models and roles beyond stereotypes.

In the background a radical political thought, which underlies the commitment of D.i.Re: only by making room, recognizing and respecting the freedom to be of women is it possible to get out of the cage of the patriarchal model that conditions culture and society and truly prevent male violence against women.

“In each of us lives a deposit of pure gold to be delivered. It shines and it attracts us like a force. We want to make it emerge and shape it in words that communicate ”wrote the feminist philosopher Chiara Zamboni in 1989.

Welcome and welcome to the Free to Be Festival.

From Monday 19 April the series of videos produced by anti-violence centers
on the keywords of the Festival:

D.i.Re it tells itself: looks and words from anti-violence centers

Streaming: the channels where to see the Festival

All Festival events will be streamed on Facebook pages and Youtube channels of D.i.Re and the Auditorium. Thanks to Agorà for the technical support.

D.i.Re – Donne in rete contro la violenza
- Facebook
- YouTube

Music Park Auditorium
- Facebook
- YouTube

The Free to be Festival is organized by D.i.Re  Women on the Net against violence in collaboration with Hero, with the financial support of the Department for Equal Opportunities, with the co-production of Fondazione Musica per Roma, the production of Mismaonda and the artistic consultancy of Serena Dandini.



Technical sponsor:

Project funded by the Department for Equal Opportunities of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers as part of the Notice for the financing of projects aimed at preventing and combating violence against women, also in implementation of the Istanbul Convention.

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