"IS a definitive paradigm shift is needed with respect to male violence against women, which finally identifies the real responsibilities" declares Antonella Veltri, president D.i.Re – Women in Network against violence. “We must to shift the focus from women who suffer violence from men, with whom they often have an intimate or family relationship, to those who really have the responsibility to stop it: the men who perpetrate it, the society that tolerates it, the institutions that do not fight it”Continues Veltri.
D's awareness campaign for November 2024.i.Re – Donne in Rete contro la violenza focuses attention on those who have the real responsibilities to interrupt the cycle of violence and the continuous blaming of women, still so widespread today.
Change can also come by starting to ask the right questions. No longer “Why didn’t she react?” but “Why did he choose to act violently?”, or not “Why did she remain silent,” but “Why didn’t those who saw her speak up?” And again, not “Why didn’t she report it earlier?” but “Why doesn’t the legal system protect women enough?”
"The time has come to demand answers and concrete actions from all those who have the responsibility to act.. With the claim Violence is a choice. Stopping it is a responsibility, D.i.Re It is addressed to everyone to really start taking action to build a society free from violence.” concludes the president.