Leaving Violence. Living Safe (LVLS) it is the project that D.i.Re - Women on the Net against violence has developed, starting from 2018, with UNHCR to adequately welcome the many women asylum seekers and refugees who have multiple experiences of violence behind them. They are women and girls who have escaped abuse and violence in their country of origin, thinking that emigrating was the only possibility to build a life tailored to their desires.
Over the years, thanks to the LVLS project, welcomed by the operators and mediators D.i.Re 9019 women. A significant number, also in relation to the innovation of the project and the impact that its results can have on the community as a whole: the activities of have extended from the north-eastern borders of the country to the hotspot of Lampedusa, managing to effectively reach out to build a lasting result for the thousands of women he met.
As regards the sharing of the reception methodology, which is fundamental for the effectiveness of the paths undertaken by the women, over the years the operators and mediators of D.i.Kings have format 661 people, coming from various subjects involved, such as operators of the reception system for people requesting or holding international protection, Prefectures (28 of which are involved), social and health services, Local Authorities, etc.
"Women who leave their countries of origin risk suffering violence during the journey or in the destination country" comments Mariangela Zanni, councilor D.i.Re - Women on the Net against violence. "This puts their health, their freedom and sometimes the very choice to undertake a journey at risk. For this reason, it is essential that from the very first moments in Italy they can count on competent and professional information. – continues Zanni – so that they are aware of the existence of anti-violence centers as safe places where they can bring their experiences beyond their migratory project". "This space is guaranteed by the operators on the border and by the 106 anti-violence centers in coordination with them throughout the national territory.” concludes the councilor.
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