The full video of the webinar "We are the Istanbul Convention"


An important event dedicated to the Istanbul Convention in which Italian and international experts met to take stock of the current state of the application and future prospects.

Introductory greeting

Antonella Veltri, President of D.i.Re – Donne in rete contro la violenza

We are the Istanbul Convention - Video

Talk 1 - 10 years of the Istanbul Convention: achievements and new challenges

with the participation of:

Ayse Feride Acar, Middle East Technical University Ankara, former President of GREVIO and of the CEDAW Committee

Biljana Brankovic , Expert researcher and international consultant

Rosa Logar Director, Domestic Abuse Intervention Center Vienna, former GREVIO vice-president

Leads the conversation:

Marcella Pirrone Lawyer, D.i.Re, President of WAVE Women Against Violence Europe Network


Talk 2 - The challenges of the Istanbul Convention in Italy

with the participation of:

Paula Degani, Lecturer and researcher, Human Rights Center, University of Padua

Oria Gargano, Cooperative President Befree

Tweety Carrano, Civil lawyer, Advocate group D.i.Re



The video of the campaign “We are the Istanbul Convention”.