La secondary victimization it is devious and exposes the woman to further hardships, dangers and humiliations, after having decided to embark on a path out of violence. 

Even today, women who have suffered violence are judged and, very frequently, the violence they have suffered is not recognized by the police, social services or the judiciary. This situation, in addition to increasingly alienating women from institutions, puts them at risk.

They will talk about it on May 8 at 14.30pm Tweety Carrano, civil lawyer, ed Elena Biaggioni, criminal lawyer, of the Advocate Group of D.i.Re, Patricia Romito, professor of Social Psychology at the University of Trieste, Theresa Well, professor of Criminal Procedure Law at the University of Campania, e Marcella Pirrone, president of WAVE, Women Against Violence Europe, the European network of anti-violence centers. 

It is not a title chosen at random, as the Talpis case tells us. It is now urgent to put the prevention and fight against male violence against women at the top of the political agenda. Doing so requires a cultural change, which must also affect the functioning of the justice system. The laws are there, they must be applied.