Michael Liguori, a footballer for Padova, was found guilty in the first instance by the Court of Teramo for aggravated violence against a fourteen-year-old girl and sentenced to three years and four months.
"We consider the words of Matteo Andreoletti, coach of Padova Calcio, unacceptable in reference to the case of Michael Liguori, the Padova footballer convicted in the first degree for sexual violence in collaboration with another man, against a 14-year-old girl” declares Antonella Veltri, president D.i.Re - Women on the Net against violence.
We read in the press that the coach, after the match played last Saturday, referred to the rape conviction handed down to Liguori as “a very unpleasant episode" he went so far as to hope that the footballer will start scoring some goals again to regain his serenity.
"We are stunned” – continues Veltri. “Not only because of the trivialization of a very serious crime such as rape, which for the coach of Padova, is reduced to a sort of simple unpleasantness, but also because it is evident that, in a sort of reversal of responsibility, for the coach it is not the victim of violence that solidarity should be addressed, but the man who was convicted, as if – in the trial – he were the offended, wounded, damaged party."
These are superficial and very serious words that clearly reflect the persistence of a sexist subculture and the celebration of a toxic masculinity that we also encounter in sports, especially in football, which amplifies male privilege.
Calcio Padova SpA did not want to express its opinion, awaiting the third degree of judgment: very well, but it should also refrain from rallying around Liguori.
It would have been a sign of respect towards the two girls, the injured parties in the trial, not to let the footballer take the field two days after his conviction.
What message is being sent to women who report? That even when a man is convicted, he can receive solidarity and support to regain his 'serenity'? That he is the victim? That while awaiting the third degree of judgment, victims can be publicly and subtly branded as liars?
"This time too, the opportunity to act with conscience, with respect for the injured parties and in coherence with the expressions of intent and the usual promises weakly hanging from the ribbons on the shirts, on the day dedicated to the fight against violence against women, has been lost.” concludes the president.