Anti-violence 2.5: Help us acquire the technology needed to establish an Observatory against Violence against Women

Fundraising campaign promoted
twigs Veneto Projects Center for Women

Let's say stop to violence against women!

This widespread and very wide phenomenon concerning violence against women, which often includes underage children (witnessed violence), implies a very careful investigation for its prevention. This is why we want to study its significance more closely by setting up an OBSERVATORY AGAINST VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN.

This is an institution predisposed to the study of the phenomenon through a scientific data collection.

The aggregated data provide a snapshot of the phenomenon and its characteristics in the area, thus helping us to adapt the services to the needs of our women and try to intervene in the area to eradicate those behaviors that in some cases lead to episodes of violence.

Through the Observatory we want to reach all people, study the phenomenon in order to be able to prevent it, strengthen the education and awareness courses that every year we bring to schools and open to the city; we also want the numbers to decrease, raising awareness among citizens.

To do this we need to strengthen and expand technological tools that support specific programs for communication and databases and security programs to guarantee the privacy of women who come to us. And this is where we need your support for our project, to make our will to help all women really materialize!

We therefore ask for your contribution to equip us with a new multi-platform data collection program always available online 24 hours a day developed for our needs and the necessary technological equipment such as computers, tablets and laptops to better manage our diffusion in the provincial territory. , and better respond to the requests of our women.

This fundraising campaign, promoted by the Centro Veneto Progetti Donna, needs your help so that no woman remains alone. Your donation is important to study this phenomenon closely, still in the shadows today. Women need your solidarity!


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